Friday, October 1, 2010

Can the United States and Britain won the war against terrorism

The war on terrorism (also called global war on terrorism) is the name of a campaign with the stated goal of ending international terrorism, preventing those groups said that terrorists in nature, a threat, and the end to put the state support for terrorism. This can be anywhere in the world.

Every day the news is one disaster after another, often related to the war on terror. We have now run by the Islamic Courts in Somalia, theEthiopians do not like, so they invaded the city on the border, the ongoing problems in Chechnya and the deteriorating situation in Iraq and Afghanistan.

George Soros said that the war on terror is a false metaphor. It has been used by the Bush administration to promote its goals, but goals are the principles of open society and otherwise harmful to the national interest.

The allies have killed more innocent civilians in Iraq terrorists on 9 / 11 killed. InIn addition to killing, we also have many Iraqis tortured and humiliated. With the creation of innocent victims, we have advanced the cause of terrorists.

Why are we hated? Not because the terrorists hate democracy, but because they hate arrogant idiots who think they know better. The terrorists are just headlines, when the vast majority of the community feel that they trust the local authorities on law and order and to continue working for the common good. Then, the common people are the terrorists in the autumnAuthority, or before, to beat them. In countries like Iraq, where are the police and the army is often militant al-Qaida sympathizers and others who do the work even more difficult. The availability of the uniforms of the army and police on the open market and sold by corrupt officials, this means that ordinary people are afraid of the control points where the fighters are dressed like the authorities to stop.

Osma bin (e) the purpose of loading for the attack on 9 / 11 was to provoke massiveRetaliation by the U.S. against Islam. He hoped that our retaliation finally unite Islam against the United States as a common enemy, and that his vision would be wiped out for a pan-Islamic fundamentalist state in all moderate governments in the region.

One of the Western allies, Israel has been subjected to recently, concerning the kidnap of two of its soldiers by Hezbollah militants in Lebanon, which led to a month in that way has long been silent and invisible encouraged Israel to continue the waragainst terrorism on behalf of the United States in the Middle East. Because the United States on how long the war went on as none of their soldiers or civilians, where he died? The destruction of Lebanese infrastructure including water and electricity utilities was a crime against humanity, such as the destruction and damages against the civilian population once again and bring them to Israel and the West to forgive?

If this destruction was the sole purpose of weakening the Lebanese state and to prevent the movement ofHezbollah then this short-sightedness has led to long-term poverty, conflict and hatred against the Allies in the general population. Many of them are now with Hezbollah for the defense have focused their homeland Lebanon.

Finally go back to Iraq, where Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death recently and the problem seems, and so on. We need the old adage that one is a terrorist is another mans freedom fighter to remember. Until we understand this statement and the toolsand strategies to deal with them .... The war on terror will be the old war against communism ... and lasted for almost 50 years.

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