Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Drugs, the CIA and the U.S. - Mena, Arkansas Coverup

I saw a very disturbing and enlightening video on Drugs, the CIA and the corruption of the U.S. government last night. The title is conspiracy, The Secret History, heartbeat SECRET OF AMERICA - The CIA & Drugs. New scientific ideas is the producer. Every American should watch this video.

It seems that people overseas know more about the CIA that the majority of Americans. Of course there is a reason for it. Our media in the name of "national security" matters complained of. NationalSecurity, because you learn, is a topic that shows in the strangest places.

The drugs set of America will cost us more than $ 16000000000 a year and has killed more people than the Vietnam War. Who benefits and who is responsible? Follow the money.

Ironically, when First Lady Nancy Reagan said: "Just say no to drugs". Barry Seal and the CIA have led to Medellin, Colombia. The agency uses the money once the cocaine sold in the U.S. and the buy to bear arms forContras in Nicaragua. Oliver North was heavily involved in the fiasco.

Who in Mena, Arkansas, in this circle of corruption, among them wanted to expose the chief prosecutor was threatened or killed. When two young men saw a decline of drugs by the railroad tracks in Arkansas, was immediately interrupted. The cover-up was running on the local and state governments. President Clinton was governor of Arkansas, at the time. He played a silent together, and then a lot of drug moneydonated to his presidential campaign.

President Bush, I was just as guilty as the former CIA director. His watchful eye and reading the briefing of the CIA, which he reads every day as a former president still makes him equally responsible during his tenure as Vice President. At least they had the right to Vice word?

The people, the epidemic of cocaine that swept the nation in 1980 was caused not African-Americans in the ghetto. Many of them in those days was not a pricePaycheck to smuggle drugs much less than the air in the country. Ball U.S. satellite technology can read the writing on the golf course as it should be no problem loading track down drug traffickers and people like Bin. Unless you are secretly working with them.

A survey of three years in the life and times of Barry Seal, one of the most famous CIA agents and successful drug smuggler in American history reveals the extent of the stateCorruption in the Americas.

When Mena, Arkansas, was found in Oliver North Court, suddenly everything was in closed quarters away from the eyes of the public. Why? What does the government know that the American people do not want to know?

If international organizations integrates the vertical distribution of drugs on our government, there is room for concern. Dan Harmon was involved in the obstruction of justice on the spot n Saline County, Arkansas. E 'wasaccused and convicted on five of 11 charges. Distribution of tit shameful secret government operations Harmon has never been charged with murder in two deaths by train. After his release from prison, Harmon has been promoted. I think it pays to be connected and play.

New Orleans Attorney Sam Dalton rightly said: "If the government has been in business and how the CIA begins to prevent acts of nature and the natural course of history, that the government itselfthe criminal. The whole thing is hidden in plain sight. If you are a shame that the DEA agents investigating wealthy retirees and put them together. If the American people not the act of government to start early, you get to the point of no return. "

Barry Seal and the CIA are working the drug trade, found in the deep south, some governors compliant and cooperative. Hence the following list of presidents elected from the south.

The FBI went to New Orleanspolice station and seized the trunk and went with him, died when Barry Seal. The state must guarantee the right to judicial Sam Dalton and maintain the FBI in contempt of court to get what they need proof of discovery. Sam Dalton also wanted to sue the CIA, but could not do.

Jaws is not over until the sheriff meets the shark. Mena, Arkansas proved to be the biggest decline of drugs throughout the country, will be a 130 billion U.S. dollars U.S. dollars industry. It 'pretty easy to getState funding covert operation, when all airport staff are ready to play. The CIA secret wars of 1981-1987 was written by Woodward. The Clintons were partners in power.

To see the real culprits to look in the suburbs - not the smoking gun, but the curved branches. Note: you know your ', dismissing deaths, threats and attacks on people. Dan Lasater, a convicted drug trafficker, was a big fan of Clinton. Jerry Parks, the head of Clinton as governorSecurity was especially a hail of bullets after the employee was a man who died a month after the death of Vince Foster killed. Arkansas investigator Russell Welch was toxic anthrax military in the face for his probe into the cover-up sprays.

Arkansas State Coroner Bobby Malick (an Egyptian) played right along maintained that he never made a mistake in 7000 autopsies. When the two young men who were killed on the train to see a drug drop title Malick stated that he was aSuicide. If the parents did not believe it, he decided to tell them the boys had large quantities of marijuana in their systems. But the second An autopsy revealed that knife crime had a bruise on the face of what looked like a rifle butt occurred. The boys were reported killed in the lung 3 times the normal amount of blood in them, who were not from the collision of a train.

Sheriff Jim Stead, another participant in the cover-up, called it a thorough investigation. The boyMother protested her son's foot was considering that on the slopes for two days. The green sheet by many after the strike saw the train, claimed to cover a government.

Prosecutor Jean Duffey was one of the few not play together. E 'was threatened and then run out of town. He thought that his life was in danger and moved to Houston, TX, where he currently teaches high school geometry. Duffey was appointed head of a federally funded drug task forceArkansas. The day was to Gary Arnold came and said he should not be used for the task force to investigate all civil servants.

Duffey was set for a half dozen undercover agents. They could not buy a lot to get away, but when they started the following officers to protect drug dealers Dan Harmon was immediately and widely. The deaths train has become the most famous unsolved mysteries of Arkansas history. He receivednational attention and 1,000 newspapers wrote about it. potential witnesses, however, were turning up dead.

drug drop from planes flying low, many nights listening to the residents reported, were investigated by any police agency in the county. The drugs were in the same room where Kevin and Don were killed along the railroad fell.

Prosecutor Jean Duffey was the subject of a smear campaign. In essence, it was too close to the top7. Judicial District. So she was fired to cover their asses. In 1991, drug task force goes undercover agent and Loell Scott said. "'Just too much dirt behind the scenes has served Saline, Grant and Hot Springs districts. Later, as a matter of speaking ill of the drug task force: "The district is in a realm of corruption, has important connections and powerful way to immerse political, judicial authorities and police."

As an officer collected under the guise of ScottEvidence of illegal activity, but for some reason, the Drug Task Force has chosen to ignore it. He quit because of the dismissal of Jean Duffey, the Drug Task Force Administrator.

In June 1990, Dan Harmon was to elect the district attorney. Harmon first press conference and interview was used to completely escape to Jean Duffey, who has been disposed of and forced, in Houston, TX, as his life was in danger of disrepute.

Prosecutor Dan Harmon was the night the boys were murdered tracks.State Police have done their job. The mothers of the boys had convictions late 1990 federal investigation, as Chuck suddenly turn off the banks promised an investigation in June 1991.

Other pieces of evidence, all together was the fact that in 1980, a former top CIA operative, a second home will be held in Medellin, Colombia.

Some curious other juicy information. office before the national program was Oliver North Airfield in Laguna, where £ 1,400The cocaine was found on the slopes.

Southern Air Transport, owned and operated by the CIA, provided that the agency deny a subcontractor for all, while dealing in drugs and arms trafficking. The privatization of U.S. intelligence is the way the agency operates.

The English version of 60 minutes, the great history has shown traces of drug trafficking and gun running to the outside door of the White House. It covered the Government Coverups uncomfortable from seven studiessome long and frustrating years. The show reveals the related issue of cocaine was immediately banned in the United States within hours of his own.

During the days of Oliver North trial for three days some 500 documents have been destroyed. All our enemies know it, but the North wanted to hide and keep it from Congress. Even the surfers in Nicaragua called a surf spot for him to make the agency is based. As in Mena, Arkansas, was the site of Operation Black Eagle, the biggest secretOperation in U.S. history.

1101 S. Mena is the place for the secret history of our life and our time as a nation with drugs and weapons. There is a small town in western Arkansas dark, with a population of about 5,000 people. Without the tower and flight tracking, Barry Seal Mena was held at the perfect place to fly in and out without being registered. Barry brought up to $ 5000000000 cocaine into the United States during 1980. Mena was the place where its cargo airline, andwas parked one of its three levels, the C123 travel in Colombia and Nicaragua.

The mere mention of Mena has been sending shivers down the spine of the government propaganda officials for years. It 'nice to see the Democrats and Republicans together on something. The doping of America is truly a bipartisan cover-up.

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