Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Made in USA hours

If you're worried about the economy of his country, knowing what you buy. To see where things are made. Begin to look carefully.

Another concern that has come in recent years, security and health scares over goods abroad. More consumers want to find the products they use come to know.

To me, that the United States in search of things to do.

I will not close any hubs connect with this, but if you come from anotherCountry can apply the main idea for you.

If you want to help your business, you can purchase items that are homemade. With the support of small businesses in our neighborhood, we can show our support and loyalty to our countries.

My Discoveries

I was in Lowe's the other day, for some reason, look for flexible assembly. They were all made in China. The next day I was at Ace Hardware and was curious, so I checked the tube space and facilities.They were all made in USA

My favorite toothpaste, Colgate, I discovered, is in Mexico ... I have now switched Crest. Here you see a lot by reading labels, what you buy.

My nephew loves Hershey's candy. I noticed, however, which is marked in Mexico. So after I did another search bar of chocolate in the United States.

Last weekend I was at Kroger. I took 60-watt bulbs, and Bounce dryer sheets. I was running close to the bulb, and the rightGE was the mark used to buy an off-brand, called "Everyday Value". I took the two types of lamps and compared the statistics, and were the same except for the price. The GE bulbs more money than the "Everyday Value" brand ... but the thing that surprised me most was the fact that the GE brand in Mexico and the daily rate has been made in the USA by a company in Cleveland, Ohio.

Then launch the myth that you can not find everyday products that are maderight here in America.

In another vessel - Bounce Dryer Sheets. You guessed it, Bounce and cost more money in Canada. The "Everyday Value" brand was less money and Made in USA, I did yesterday, and dryer sheets like Bounce laundry done Free me years and almost half the price it was me!

My challenge to us all is to start reading the labels when we shop for things every day and see what we find is that the U.S. did- The work, unless you can be yourself or your neighbors!

Maybe not financially in a bad situation if we had this revival a decade ago.

Helping our fellow citizens to keep their jobs and create more jobs here in the U.S. where possible. You may find that many things on our shelves in the U.S. I have not heard on the radio that today we import billions of dollars more than we export to the United States. Surprise, surprise!

I read that the imported productssold in a package must identify the country of origin, but takes less to produce in containers not labeled.

A brand as "America" or a country or a city on the label is not a status made in America.

Some items may come originally from America to another country for processing and packaging before being imported into the U.S.. An example is Chicken of the Sea Pink Salmon, who is from Alaska, has sold a detour to Thailand and thenUnited States

ConsumerReports.org that labels do not always tell the truth. She said that if the label says "Made in USA" claim means that "all or almost all" the essential processes and parts of the United States.

According to them, "qualified" label as the United States or manufactured in the United States "and" imported parts. "They are also allowed. However, companies must be able to make these kinds of claims.

Another thing is to look "Bag" or both "made in" or "assembled" and refers to the real country where it was made "in design". When the Federal Trade Commission is aware of the fact that marketers use vague terms or alone as a product invented in Seattle in May, but done in Bangladesh and the "U.S. label" property, which they could get into trouble.

Often a package that had a label "made in certified credits> United States, but elsewhere on the product can show that some components are imported. The Federal Trade Commission if you feel well most of the production cost of the product was in the United States.

"American auto-So

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, at least 75 percent of the value of the vehicle (including parts replacement and labor) are manufactured in the United States, Canada or Mexico. Ford Fusion, Milan and MKZ haveat least 60% of their salary made elsewhere.

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