Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why the middle class is disappearing in the U.S.?

Politicians tend to be "middle class" to hear how the group of people most likely to define their actual sales pitch to start over. More recent studies done by SU Census Bureau show that half of the average family income of between $ 75K and $ 25K U.S.. In the last two decades, the number of households in the ranges of 3.9% compared to 48.2% to 44.3%. During the same period the number of households decreased with an income below $ 25,000 3.5%from 28.7% to 25.2%, while the number of families with incomes above $ 75,000 increased by over 7%, from 23.2% to 30.4%. (Income, poverty and health insurance in the United States: 2006, U.S. Census Bureau). So if the middle class is shrinking, in fact, it is because families are getting richer or middle class? Or, has recently changed the data? There has been much discussed (most of them were political) matter.

Since this study was undertaken by the Census Bureau, somegreat economic changes took place in the United States. End of 2008, the simultaneous collapse of the American automotive industry, has created the real estate market and the large investment portfolio in an economic crisis, which quickly became the world. The U.S. government responded by pumping large amounts of money (about one million dollars) into the banking system and public infrastructure programs, hoping to speed up economic recovery and the tide of jobs. However, they are not out of the water. AsThis article was written, the unemployment rate in Ohio has exceeded 11%. In Michigan, is even higher (15%).

It 's easy (and tempting) to the "partisan" and blamed these events on a national political party or another. Certainly, both have made their contribution to the problem. However, we believe the current economic malaise is the result of the following trends:

Before Massive personal debt. The U.S. national debt has increased over the past five years than in allThe country's history. Even worse debts are unsecured obligations of the U.S. government in the coming years. Trump and Kiyosaki say is the unfunded obligations of Social Security about $ 10000000000000, and these are from Medicare about $ 60 trillionth Compare this to the estimated value of all New York Stock Exchange for $ 35 trillionth massive These obligations are the result of broken promises of large generation of baby boomers who are near retirement age.There is simply no way out of this dilemma without significant pain. Secondly, the personal debt is at a time high. One reason for many foreclosures home loans WAS homeowners with their home equity as a piggy-bank "fund for cars, vacations, luxury goods, home improvements, etc. If the housing bubble burst, many of them could take their guides and credit cards.

According to the true origin of the "ground floor". Thomas Friedman's book is the WorldApartment warned that this would come. Many skilled jobs will be transferred from the United States and Europe to emerging countries like China and India. This, and unfulfilled promises of U.S. car manufacturers have created their own employees, the background for their destruction. The U.S. government is trying to engage in protectionism, reversing, but history has shown that this approach does not work. So, no matter how many diatribes NAFTA or "listen to big companies move jobs overseas," the hardThe reality is that we have a rapid transition into the global economy. When the United States was an economic reality, we could have had more influence on global trends. We are now a debtor nation. Like your mother always said, "debtor can not choose."

The third rising cost of energy. Most people feel the cost of gasoline in the first place, but the effect is also felt in the field of natural gas and electricity. high gas prices have certainly affected by the war in Iraq, but decline the offer of "cheap oil and the rising costs of" clean "Units of energy prices higher. High energy prices are reflected in the heart of the creation of jobs and personal finances. Most middle class Americans to drive their cars to work, to buy food, etc. The price of food is also the price of energy, since the high degree of automation in agriculture in the United States combined.

Debt, economic globalization and high energy costs creating the "perfect storm" of an economic disaster. Trump and Kiyosaki as stress is a middle-class flighta threat to democratic capitalism itself Well, enough of "bad news". How can we solve this problem? They suggest that some legislative and political solutions, but most of us are powerless to force our own government to do a lot of change, at least as individuals. What can we do to protect ourselves and our children / grandchildren? We want to give the answer Kiyosaki and Trump: We can choose to be rich. In today's world, the choice of whether or not you want to be rich or middle class - isWhether rich or poor.

You can choose to be, enrolling at the school of hard knocks rich and won a "financial education" - the way it is (unfortunately) not offered in schools or universities in the United States. Instead Turn your hard-earned money on a "Money Manager" that will be free, if it makes money for you or not, you can learn to make your own decisions on investment. There is no evidence that professional money managers can, for exampleroutinely outperform the Standard and Poors stock index. So why should they pay? Investing is not like most, you might think complicated. And certain types of investments have a huge leverage and tax advantages. The only reason they are not informed in the Internet age is laziness.

Please read Why We want you to be rich, but you should also a serious student of their own value creation and preservation are. Whether you are "middleClass, "" bourgeois "or" rich "are responsible for your financial position. Only the poorest can afford, depends on the government to care for them. And as the U.S. financial reality hits the United States, the government has have to disappoint everyone.

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