Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The current crisis in the U.S. - is economically and spiritually?

What is the current crisis in the U.S.? Opinions vary, but most people say that the economy is their biggest concern. But that is the cause of the crisis itself or just a symptom? There is a real crisis of climate change, health care or education? Experts say yes, but you know better ...

What is the correct diagnosis of the disease that devastated our country? What causes the symptoms of economic decline and arguments about what is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?What is the core of contentious town hall meetings, the arguments on chat rooms and dining tables? Well, if you're Christian, is a spiritual crisis. If you're not, then I suggest the politically correct version of the diagnosis is a crisis of faith. (Sounds more to me mentally, but we all know, there are times when only the education of listeners to tune in to God's cause, or the reader turn the page.)

Half the population seems to believe that the governmentthe United States are more reliable and more committed to preserve the Constitution. The other half did not. Half of the opinion that everything that says a member of the executive or the legislature, our government is just another lie, half truth, or very version creative their true position. Do you think the population may be divided on the issue of God himself?

Where to go for answers? Where do we go for our vision? God provides both answers and insights from hisType of person, the Holy Spirit. God has changed? And 'the human race? No, on both fronts.

People do not give crisp, clear answers to specific questions for one of two reasons. Are you confused or lying. In fact, there are times when the speaker asks what is the case. It is believed that half the population of their elected representatives must be confused, the other half believes that they are lying. The truth is usually somewhere between these two positions. As members knowvoters to find the truth?

Access to accurate information is the number one obstacle to true understanding of our national condition. No media source is reliable. FOX tracks such as CNN does, is only indirectly in a different direction. responsible citizens are forced into the role of investigative reporters. I suggest that you as a primary reference book of the Bible? It contains literally a lot about truth, the confusion, the wisdom and foresight.

Earlier this week my husbandI attended a lunch with our Congress person. The current focus on fighting city hall meetings inspired by his office at all, what could be done to reduce the possibility of carrying the story on the evening news. However, like a beautiful woman and had a pleasant conversation. Some questions were answered in writing, my first husband. The strange nature of their response inspired my husband to investigate the accuracy of their response.

Unfortunately, we encountered the problem of how manyPoliticians to escape only with difficulty. She did not answer truthfully. My husband came in writing, the author and the number of Parliament's resolution. He asked if he had signed would be accepted on a "promise" that members of Congress need regular service packages. He said: "Yes, I have." Well, as of yesterday, no it is not.

Most people, whether in Washington or Lubbock, seem rather friendly in social situations. A symptom of the crisis of our spirituality is that we can not trustPeople to tell the truth, no matter how many grandchildren they have. Insight and responsibility are heady questions, and decisions should be made. There is great spiritual energy in the U.S. and worldwide. Two very different energy sources that exist, and all must be taken to a choice.

For Christians, the choice is clear. If we want to solve our national crisis, we must break down the walls between our internal and laySpiritual.

May the United States become blessable again.

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